L.E.T.S. Grow will prepare the intake process once a child has been recommended for ABA services from a pediatrician and or diagnosing doctor.

Step 1: Comprehensive Assessment
A Clinical Case Supervisor will conduct and parent and or caregiver interview, home observation, Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) and skills assessment using either the ABLLS, Vineland III, Pervasive Developmental Disorder Behavior Inventory (PDDBI) or Socially Savvy to assess the needs across all developmental domains.
Step 2: Submission of clinical recommendation of ABA services to the funding source.
Once the comprehensive assessment is complete, the Clinical Case Supervisor will analyze the data from the assessment and make clinical recommendations in an Intake Report. The Intake Report will outline the child’s individual treatment plan identifying behavior reduction goals, skill acquisition goals, parent and or caregiver training goals, level of recommended services (hours of intervention and supervision) and identification of environmental location and variables where the child will learn best.
Step 3: Providing of individualized program
Behavior interventionist(s) will begin working directly with your child on the goals designed by the Clinical Case Supervisor. Programming materials such as stimuli, toys, games, data book and reinforcers will be provided by L.E.T.S. Grow.